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Hotel facade showcasing a creative use of shipping containers for a cost-effective and visually appealing design
Hotel facade showcasing a creative use of shipping containers for a cost-effective and visually appealing design

Oaks Hotel Emerald

Innovation and technology are the key elements of design culture developed over the years within our organisation. A clear direction towards cost effective, flexible and high-quality residential accommodation inspired our company to heavily invest in research and development of modulated prefabricated systems. The best example of this technology is imbedded in high quality design for the 120 room oaks hotel emerald designed and documented for Oaks Group.

Adopting most feasible module sizes, the whole design is based on a prefabricated system. Kris Kowalski Architects not only designed within parameters of the prefabricated modules, we also have developed  unique construction details assuring full compliance with all relevant Building Code and Australian Standards for the oaks hotel emerald.

Project Info